A collaboration between the Center for Undergraduate Research & Creative Activity (CURCA), faculty mentors, and Student Financial Services to provide work-study eligible, early-career students opportunities to gain mentored research or creative project experiences at Westfield State University.
This program allows students to make a meaningful contribution to a research or creative activity project while learning about the process of scholarship in their field of interest. Faculty will gain a full member of their research or creative team at no additional cost to the faculty mentor or their department.
What's the goal of RAP?
The goal of the program is to help facilitate relationships between incoming and current first-generation, low income, economically disadvantaged, commuter, or adult-learners who may otherwise not participate in applied experiences at WSU. Students are eligible for CURCA RAP at any point in their undergraduate or graduate careers, but the program is particularly intended to serve freshman and sophomore students who are just starting out in their fields of interests.