Transfer Student Transitions

Lisha Lopez

Welcome Transfer Students!

We are excited that you have decided to join the Westfield State Community to continue your degree!

Whether you decide to commute or live on campus, have decided on your major or are taking time to explore your options, attended another 4 year institution or a community college, our program is designed to help you learn about the differences between your previous institution and Westfield State. We understand that you have already experienced college, and that each transfer student has different reasons for making a change. Our Transfer Orientation programs are designed to give you the opportunity to meet other incoming students, administrators, faculty and staff, and make sure you make a connection to your new University.

You will be led through the program by an Orientation Leader, who will be with you every step of the way as you attend sessions to learn about important campus resources, and get a feel for the Westfield State University community. They will be your resource as you transition out of your old institution and into ours. 

Transfer students are also encouraged to let parents, family members, and other allies know that we offer an Owl Family Hub. Information about the hub can be found on our Families Page

We look forward to connecting with you, and hope to build even more excitement for when you arrive at the start of your first semester at Westfield State University!

Please use the sections below for more information. 


What should I expect?

As an incoming Transfer Student there is a lot of information that is sent your way and many tasks that you are expected to complete. Our team is here to help you navigate through all of it. Please use the sections below to learn more about the two different onboarding experiences that you will participate in to help you succeed as an Owl. 

Experience 1: Academic Advising and Registration

Brittany Garand, Transfer Advisor from the Office of Academic Advising, will contact newly enrolled transfer students via email about building their first semester schedule. Course schedules are created based on the department’s recommendations for major courses, along with common core courses and the preferences students provide on the questionnaire.  Some preferences may not be honored for various reasons including, but not limited to: academic programs recommend specific course sequences, major requirements or restrictions, prerequisites, remaining course availability, and limited days and times of course offerings. Students will receive notification via their Westfield State student email once their schedule is completed. Brittany also provides students with additional key information about next steps and campus resources. Students may request to meet with Brittany if they would like to discuss additional degree requirements, possible schedule changes or have additional questions.

As you are waiting to receive communication from Brittany, please visit the Transfer Student Advising webpage where you can find additional information regarding important steps a student must complete to prepare for the upcoming semester.

Experience 2: Transfer Student Orientation

Welcome to Westfield State! 

We are offering two different options for Transfer students this summer. Please read about both options and register for the program that best meets your needs as a student.

Individual Appointments:

Transfer students are able to sign up for an appointment block during period of June 17th - July 26th. Appointments will take place between 9am and 3pm each day. Students will meet with an Orientation Leader and be offered a full campus tour, along with introductions to various departments that are here to help students in their success. Students will be provided the opportunity to take care of any administrative items they may have and ask any questions they need answered before the semester begins. 

To sign up for an appointment, please email our office at to make an arrangement that works with your schedule. We will begin appointment sign-ups on May 13th. 

Full Program:

There will be 3 Student Sessions to choose from. The session runs from 8am - 5pm each of the following dates:

  • Session A: June 13th
  • Session B: June 26th
  • Session C: July 12th
  • Session D: August 13th

Registration will open March 1st. 

All students are strongly encouraged to participate in one aspect of Orientation. 

Experience 3: OWL Welcome Weekend

September 2024: Transfer Student Welcome Day

  • Residential students move into Residence Halls
  • All students are invited to fun activities on the Campus Green, Resource Fair, University Cook-Out, and Welcome Session

September 2024: Three-day orientation program for Transfer Students

All students are strongly encouraged to participate in New Transfer Orientation. Session attendance is tracked for all students. 

Campus light pole with WSU flag on it and University Hall and Ely Campus Center behind it.

Contact Us

Matt Dellea
Coordinator of New Student Orientation
Ely Campus Center, Lower Level, SAIL Center