Comprehensive Exam Information
The Comprehensive Examination are conducted twice a year, one in November and once in March. Specific dates for each academic term may be found on the academic calendar.
Students will receive information regarding the upcoming Comprehensive exam via email about 45 days prior to the date of the exam. If you meet one of the below eligibility requirements, you will receive the email and complete an electronic application.
You are matriculated into a program and have a Program of Study on file.
You have completed 27 credits, including ALL required credits prior to applying for the exam.
Your contact information is on file with the university.
You must contact your advisor for exam review.
You must have a remediation plan on file, if this is not your first comprehensive exam.
Exams will be hosted online unless otherwise noted by your program. Please contact your advisor for confirmation of exam modality.
Contact Us
Jennifer Haskins
Graduate Records Coordinator